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Die Materialität der Märkte : Qualität, Bewertung und Organisation im deutschen Obst- und Gemüsehandel
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag,

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Wie funktioniert der Handel für Obst und Gemüse und welche Rolle spielt dabei die Materialität? Linda Hering beschreibt die Entwicklung und spezifische Formung des Obst- und Gemüsemarktes in Deutschland. Dabei geht sie auf die Rolle von konfligierenden Qualitätskonventionen ein und zeigt, wie materielle Formen Bewertungspraktiken stabilisieren. Die Konzeption von Obst und Gemüse als Biofakte ermöglicht dabei neue Einsichten in die Organisation des Handels. So werden unterschiedliche Erwartungen verschiedener Kontexte in die Waren eingeschrieben, am Ort des Verkaufs jedoch nur selektiv sichtbar gemacht.


Human geography.

Scripta nova : revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales.
Year: 1997 Publisher: [Barcelona] : Universitat de Barcelona

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Human geography

Mehr-als-menschliche Geographien : Schlüsselkonzepte, Beziehungen und Methodiken
Year: 2022 Publisher: Stuttgart, Germany : Franz Steiner Verlag,

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More-than-human geographies haben sich im angelsächsischen Raum als wichtiges Forschungsfeld etabliert und in den letzten Jahren auch in der deutschsprachigen Geographie zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Dezentrierung des Menschen wird durch verschiedene Ansätze wie die Phänomenologie, den Pragmatismus, die Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, Assemblage-, Affekt- und Mehr-als-repräsentationale Theorien sowie durch praxistheoretische, performative und viszerale Ansätze konzeptionell vorangetrieben. Trotz dieser großen Heterogenität eint die Mehr-als-menschlichen Geographien, dass sie den Menschen als Teil eines größeren Gesamtzusammenhangs begreifen, sich der Welt aus mehr als nur streng rational greifbaren Erfahrungs- und Sinndimensionen nähern und insofern leibliche, affektive, emotionale und sensorische Praktiken, Transaktionen und Intra-Aktionen in den Blick nehmen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren führen in die Entwicklungslinien, Grundzüge und Schlüsselkonzepte der komplexen Debatte ein und tragen so dazu bei, sie systematisch für die deutschsprachige Geographie und interessierte Nachbardisziplinen zu erschließen.


Human geography.

Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World
Year: 2005 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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Sustaining the rural and urban populations of the developing world has been identified as a key global challenge for the twenty-first century. Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World is an introduction to the relationships between rural and urban places in the developing world and shows that not all their aspects are as obvious as migration from country to city. There is now a growing realization that rural-urban relations are far more complex. Using a wealth of student-friendly features including boxed case studies, discussion questions and annotated guides to further reading, this innovative book places rural-urban interactions within a broader context, thus promoting a clearer understanding of the opportunities, as well as the challenges, that rural-urban interactions represent.


Human geography.

Meanings of Public and the Future of Public Services
Year: 2022 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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Critically assessing meanings of the term "public", this book situates the emergence and expansion of "public services" within market-based forms of production and consumption. It highlights the potential for making public services more progressive within market societies, but underscores their ongoing capture by private interests and emphasises the inherent limits of reform within a "bourgeois public sphere". The author explores opportunities for more expansive forms of non-marketized public services, examining emerging debates on the theory and practice of equitable, participatory and sustainable forms of publicness that go beyond mere ownership. The book then asks how we can build a robust international "pro-public" movement that juggles universal needs with local context. With a focus on essential public services such as water, electricity and health, the text is global in its scope and written for a broad audience. It will be useful for those interested in social and public policy, public services and public administration, political theory, economic geography, social movements, sustainability and development.


Human geography.

Nouveaux paradigmes du projet ? : Transition, adaptation, résilience
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Peter Lang International Academic Publishers,

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Transition, adaptation, résilience : ces trois notions ont été choisies pour identifier et analyser dans cet ouvrage au travers de multiples contextes géographiques, échelles de l'action, figures d'acteurs et temporalité de l'aménagement, les nouveaux paradigmes du projet. La transition constitue le premier nouveau paradigme du projet analysé dans la première partie de l'ouvrage. La transition accompagne-t-elle la généralisation d'une inflexion du projet vers la préfiguration comme nouveau mode opératoire ? Le projet n'apparaîtrait-il pas comme une opportunité à saisir pour engager les villes et les territoires sur le chemin de la transition environnementale ? L'adaptation représente le second nouveau paradigme du projet constituant le fil directeur de la seconde partie de l'ouvrage. A la différence de la première partie dans laquelle les transitions ont principalement concerné le fait urbain et les villes, l'adaptation est envisagée pour des territoires plus diversifiés. Quelles sont les nouvelles figures de l'action, quelles sont les méthodes qui s'imposent en parallèle du projet pour envisager l'adaptation des villes et des territoires aux enjeux environnementaux et au changement climatique ? Dans la troisième partie, la résilience représente le dernier paradigme mobilisé. La notion même de projet a-t-elle encore du sens ou n'est-elle plus qu'une fiction, lorsque domine la vulnérabilité, l'inégalité, l'instabilité, l'incertitude ? Quels projets ou stratégies sont conçus et mis en œuvre dans les villes et les territoires pour assurer leur résilience?.


Human geography.

Consuming Cities
Year: 2000 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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This book is about cities as engines of consumption of the world's environment, and the spread of policies to reduce their impact. It looks at these issues by examining the impact of the Rio Declaration and assesses the extent to which it has made a difference. Consuming Cities examines this impact using case studies from around the world including: the USA, Japan, Germany, the UK, China, India, Sweden, Poland, Australia and Indonesia The contributors all have direct experience of the urban environment and urban policies in the countries on which they write and offer an authoritative commentary which brings the urban 'consumption' dimension of sustainable development into focus.


Human geography.

Dance, Ageing and Collaborative Arts-Based Research
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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Dance, Ageing and Collaborative Arts-Based Research contributes a critical and comprehensive perspective on the role of the arts -specifically dance - in enhancing the lives of older people. The book focuses on the development of an innovative arts-based program for older adults and the collaborative process of exploring and understanding its impact in relation to ageing, social inclusion, and care. It offers a wide audience of readers a richer understanding of the role of the arts in ageing and life enrichment, critical contributions to theories of ageing and care, specific approaches to arts-based collaborative research, and an exploration of the impact of Sharing Dance from the perspective of older adults, artists, researchers, and community leaders. Given the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of this book, it will be of interest across health, social science, and humanities disciplines, including gerontology, sociology, psychology, geography, nursing, social work, and performing arts. Licence line: Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.


Human geography.

Chapter 1 Grassroots initiatives in food system transformation : The role of food movements in the second 'Great Transformation'
Year: 2021 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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This book examines the role of local food movements, enterprises and networks in the transformation of the currently unsustainable global food system. It explores a series of innovations designed to re-integrate sustainable modes of food production and encourage food sovereignty. It provides detailed insights into a specialised network of social actors collaborating in novel ways and creating new economic arrangements across different geographical locales. In working to devise 'local solutions to global problems', the initiatives explored in the book represent a 'second generation' food social movement which is less preoccupied with distinctive local qualities than with building socially just food systems aimed at delivering healthy nutrition worldwide. Drawing on fieldwork undertaken in sites across Europe, the USA, and Brazil, the book provides a rich collection of case studies that offer a fresh perspective on the role of grassroots action in the transition to more sustainable food production systems. Addressing a substantive gap in the literature that falls between global analyses of the contemporary food system and highly localised case studies, the book will appeal to those teaching food studies and those conducting research on civic food initiatives or on environmental social movements more generally.


Human geography.

Chapter 8 Transformative communities in Germany : Working towards a sustainable food supply through creative doing and collaboration
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Taylor & Francis,

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This book examines the role of local food movements, enterprises and networks in the transformation of the currently unsustainable global food system. It explores a series of innovations designed to re-integrate sustainable modes of food production and encourage food sovereignty. It provides detailed insights into a specialised network of social actors collaborating in novel ways and creating new economic arrangements across different geographical locales. In working to devise 'local solutions to global problems', the initiatives explored in the book represent a 'second generation' food social movement which is less preoccupied with distinctive local qualities than with building socially just food systems aimed at delivering healthy nutrition worldwide. Drawing on fieldwork undertaken in sites across Europe, the USA, and Brazil, the book provides a rich collection of case studies that offer a fresh perspective on the role of grassroots action in the transition to more sustainable food production systems. Addressing a substantive gap in the literature that falls between global analyses of the contemporary food system and highly localised case studies, the book will appeal to those teaching food studies and those conducting research on civic food initiatives or on environmental social movements more generally.


Human geography.

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